Bergen 4 Day Treatment 
Los Angeles

Bergen 4 Day Treatment

Patient Interviews

Information And Outcomes

  • More than 3,000 patients have completed the Bergen 4-Day Treatment in Norway
  • As of December 2023, over 300 patients have completed the Bergen 4-Day Treatment in Iceland, Sweden, Germany, Singapore and USA
  • 90% of the patients significantly improved after treatment
  • In one 4-year follow up study completed in Norway, about 70% of the patients maintained their gains four years after completing the treatment
  • The Bergen 4-Day Treatment is equally helpful for children and adolescents
Erik Olsen
Erik Olsen

Former Bergen 4-Day Treatment Patient

“I’m a doctor and I have suffered from OCD since I was a kid. Four days with the OCD team in 2014 changed my life. Since then I have been able to complete my training as a cardiologist, and I have followed their research and been part of their Scientific Advisory Board. All I can say is: If you suffer from OCD and get the opportunity be a part of the Bergen 4-day treatment: Take it!”

Bergen 4 Day Treatment
Now Offered In Los Angeles

We are very excited to announce that we will be offering the effective and concentrated Bergen 4 Day Treatment (B4DT) beginning in January 2024. This exciting project, led by the programs directors Thröstur Björgvinsson, PhD, ABPP and Naomi Zwecker, PhD, is in collaboration with Bjarne Hansen, PhD, one of the creators of the B4DT and director of Bergen Center for Brain Plasticity, and its co-director Kristen Hansen, PhD.

Furthermore, with generous support from the Bergen based Kavli Trust, OCD therapists from all over the world will receive training to become certified as B4DT therapists. The Los Angeles program will function as the national and international B4DT training center. Teams, based in these cities, have signed up for training in Los Angeles: Quito, Ecuador; Nairobi, Kenya; Melbourne, Australia. This is in addition to existing B4DT teams in Singapore, Sweden, Germany, Finland, and Iceland.

Additionally, beginning in the spring of 2024 workshops about B4DT and other innovative approaches will be offered, through the LA program, to interested therapists (nationally and globally) to attend.

Please visit or call 310 488 5850 for more information about how to apply to receive the B4DT in Los Angeles and what else is offered.

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Information About Bergen 4 Day Treatment

What is B4DT

The Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT) is a concentrated exposure treatment (cET) where the patient receives individually tailored CBT delivered during four consecutive days. B4DT can be categorized as an individual treatment delivered in a group setting, since the treatment is delivered in groups with 3 to 6 patients with a therapist-patient ratio of 1:1. The B4DT has proven highly effective for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder, with almost no drop-out rates and almost 70% of patients reported as recovered at 12-month follow-up. A follow-up study demonstrated that the treatment outcome was stable 4 years after completing treatment.

The B4DT approach has received tremendous attention around the world. For example, in October of 2018, Drs. Bjarne Hansen and Gerd Kvale (the developers of B4DT) were selected by Time magazine as two of “The Health Care 50: Fifty People Transforming Health Care in 2018.” The approach builds on four decades of empirical research and theories about the most effective approach to OCD treatment. The innovation and strength of the work is how it combines the most effective elements of proven treatment into one of the most profound, rapid, and robust treatment approaches that we have seen in recent years. Thus, this approach provides for a truly transformative treatment and it has the potential to meaningfully improve health care delivery in the U.S.

Over 3000 patients with OCD have been effectively treated with the B4DT in Norway during the last decade. Furthermore, over 300 patients OCD patients have completed the B4DT in Sweden, Iceland, Germany, Finland, Singapore and the USA. All studies strongly support the effectiveness of this 4-day approach. Post-pandemic future international dissemination plans are actively being implemented. So far teams from Australia, Kenya, and Ecuador have signed up and  will be trained in ways to deliver the effective B4DT and the training will take place in Los Angeles in 2024.  The OCD & Anxiety Program of Southern California is the only program that offers this treatment in the United States.

How do I enroll

You can use Tis link contact us and we will get back with you within 1 to 2 business days. Alternatively, you can call us directly at: (310) 488-5850

Recent Research Studies on
Bergen 4-Day Treatment

The Bergen 4-Day Treatment has received tremendous attention and scientific evaluation. Over 20 published research studies have evaluated the B4DT efficacy and outcomes. They all show that B4DT is truly an effective treatment, highly ranked by patients with almost no drop out. Below are few recent research articles with a links to the articles that give a good idea about the treatment effectiveness.

Clients Testimonials

Before the four treatment days in June each day was about surviving, now each day is about living.

When I heard about the Bergen 4-Day Treatment I didn’t believe it was possible – after all, I had lived with my OCD for 14 years and had been through years and years of different therapies. During the four days I was challenged, but never forced and gave 100% effort to battle my OCD. After four days in 2015 my life and my childrens’ lives have been changed forever. I have just one word: magical.

This program has been amazing and life-changing for me. All of the therapists are amazing, thoughtful, kind, and incredibly talented.

The Bergen 4-Day Treatment has finally set me free! I have struggled with anxiety and OCD for nearly 20 years and in 4 days this team has helped me break the cycle and really take my life back. I have learned that my OCD is not me, and that I have the power to live my life on my terms without being controlled by symptoms. I will forever be grateful for this treatment and my new OCD-free life!

June 1st was my first day out of the Bergen 4-Day OCD Treatment and my world has gone from a grayscale of predictable despair to bright beautiful technicolor in literally four days

I’m a doctor and I have suffered from OCD since I was a kid. Four days with the OCD team in 2014 changed my life. Since then I have been able to complete my training as a cardiologist, and I have followed their research and been part of their Scientific Advisory Board. All I can say is: If you suffer from OCD and get the opportunity be a part of the Bergen 4-day treatment: Take it!