Team of therapists from Nairobi, Kenya to be trained at the OCD & Anxiety Program of Southern California.
The international dissemination effort to make the Bergen 4 Day Treatment (B4DT) available in all continents by the end of 2024 is being made possible through the amazing support from the Kavli Trust based in Bergen, Norway. As part of this project, Dr. Hansen (the project leader) and Dr. Björgvinsson will be collaborating with a team from Nairobi, Kenya. The team comes from two recognized institutions in Nairobi: Kenyatta University, as well as a team from the largest mental health Hospital in Nairobi, the Mathari Teaching and Referral Hospital. The focus of the work will be to complete a pilot of the B4DT for OCD in Nairobi, Kenya. To make this possible, the team from Nairobi will be trained in the B4DT method in the summer of 2024 at the OCD & Anxiety Program of Southern California.
Drs. Thröstur Björgvinsson and Bjarne Hansen with key members of the B4DT team in December of 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Drs. Björgvinsson and Hansen meet psychologists from the department of Psychology, Kenyatta University, and a team from Mathari Hospital to discuss adaptation of the B4DT method to Kenyan healthcare system.